

import hula.DeepR.FeedForwardLayer

from hula.DeepR import FeedForwardLayer

FeedForwardLayer( inputs, outputs, activation_func )

Generated nodes with the activation function activation_func with the size of inputs byoutputs

FeedForwardLayer.activate( X )

Feeds X through it's nodes, and returns the output

FeedForwardLayer.randomAct( alpha )

Generates a random action to apply to its weights, then stores it for scoring later

FeedForwardLayer.score( score )

Applies score to the stored actions

FeedForwardLayer.simplify( threshold, min_score )

Groups together states with threshold distance from each other, then only allows states that have a score higher than min_score to rejoin the State-Action Tree

FeedForwardLayer.train( alpha )

Applies the best selected actions according to their state's distance from the current state as well as their score, then only applies alpha percentage of the action.

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